Please sponsor TC GEORGE to complete PA LAP by Dec 2022
We're Pitching in for Parkinson's to support Parkinson's NSW in their mission to enhance the quality of life for all people living with Parkinson’s.
Please sponsor PA LAP in support of Parkinson's NSW, providing vital services for people living with Parkinson's.
My Dad (TC George) is 91 and has had Parkinson's for over 20 years. He has been using a walker for at least five years now however, over the last couple of months he’s had to become more reliant on a wheelchair. Despite this latest setback, he is very determined to get out of his wheelchair and walk/run!
We had a big 90th birthday celebration for him last year, which gave him a sense of purpose and focus. Since then, he's gone through lockdown, rehab and most recently the dreaded COVID, which took him down physically and emotionally for a good month or so. Now that he’s made it over all of those hurdles, he's even more determined to get back on his feet and we want to give him every motivation possible to do so!
We've discovered that he still has some ability to walk with support, so we’ve challenged him to complete as many laps (1 lap = 10 metres) during his PT sessions in our living room, as he possibly can until the end of the year!
Please sponsor PA LAP: Dad's legendary racehorse inspired quest to get back to his walker life again!
Thank you for your generous donation.
My Updates
Lap Mission Completed!
Monday 9th Jan I'm pleased to announce that on the last day of his PT session (20/12/22), Dad successfully completed his 210th lap! He is in good spirits and looking ahead to a celebration of his 60th wedding anniversary with Mum, this weekend. CONGRATS DAD! ShareThank you to my Sponsors
Annie Koshi
Caroline George
Elsamma George
Well done!
I appreciate you Carol in taking the lead in this project