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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet urna quis enim volutpat efficitur. Nam magna velit, bibendum id ullamcorper non.

About our cause

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet urna quis enim volutpat efficitur. Nam magna velit, bibendum id ullamcorper non, pretium at ante. Duis molestie justo sit amet erat dictum cursus. Ut hendrerit libero vel ornare tempus. Pellentesque vel tortor id sapien dignissim hendrerit. Donec hendrerit libero et augue egestas, vel dictum nibh tempus.


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I'd like to make this donation

Could cover the cost of a Parkinson's HealthLine phone call.
Could enable a Parkinson's Counsellor to provide a one-hour session.
Could pay for an in-home consultation with a Parkinson's Nurse.
Can keep a Parkinson's Nurse on the road for a day

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We rely on the generosity of supporters such as you to carry out our mission. By proceding with your purchase you agree to PNSW keeping you updated with the impact you are making as per our privacy policy.

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I'd like to add a little extra to help cover fees.