• Andrew Foti just donated $5,020
  • Rachel Bomford just donated $53.81
  • Laura Shepherd just donated $53.81
  • The Morosoli’s just donated $34.81
  • Ben Shepherd just donated $53.81
  • Anonymous just donated $31.65
  • Aaron Spiteri just donated $79.04
  • Aaron Spiteri just donated $36
  • Wayne Murray just donated $105.50
  • Fiona just donated $100
  • Marina and Kevin just donated $53.81
  • Stephen just donated $52.75
  • The Four just donated $5,000
  • Running just donated $29,273.18
  • Concetto/Eva just donated $52.75
  • Maria P just donated $158.25
  • Andrew just donated $5,020
  • Donations just donated $791
  • Ian Hurley just donated $1,020
  • Sophie just donated $51


Dean's conversation with Richard Fidler

Dean's talks about Running with Parkinson's

Dean discusses Parkinson's and exercise

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